lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013


Date of birth: May 4th, 1994
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
your star sign is Taurus

It has only 14, but Chaz Ortiz, pro skateboarding, it's getting a reputation in the AST Dew Tour. Te we have the information of this star nascent!
His childhood ..

When I was a little in Chicago, Chaz had a taste for the skateboard very young. When he was only six years, Chad begged his father to buy him a skateboard. When her father agreed, Chaz performed tricks with the skateboard of day and night. It was not long before this little star skate park began to make a name in the Windy City and eventually the world.
His career

With only 13 years, Chad competed in the Tour Free Flow, which is the major amateur competition. Chaz stunned the crowd and judges with a vast arsenal of tricks. In the end, took the championship tour 2007 Free Flow! That year, he also finished second in the Volcom Damn Am had his first professional contest in June 2008 to open Panasonic AST Dew Tour in Baltimore, where he finished third on the podium behind superstars Ryan Shecker and Paul Rodriguez. The following month, Chaz improved with a second position in the open Right Guard. By August 2008, Chaz has the second position in the AST Dew Tour with 160 points!
His style

Chaz is known for his riding style smooth. He performs tricks that makes people with 10 years old, and runs with confidence. Many sponsors, athletes and media have already noticed Chaz, which promises to be the next big thing in action sports. It is sponsored by Zoo York, Bones, Diamond, E's Hoes FKD Bearings, Warp Skatepark and Force Trucks. Ryan Sheckler declared recently "deserves everything he's getting. I think that Chaz has the potential to be the next great skater. Has the attitude of a champion, skates like a champ, and does so as if to learn all that is happening in the world of skateboards. I have only good things to say about this guy. I hope you have every success in the world of skateboarding, and I'm going to help in every possible way ".

In the words of Chaz ...

"I just practice a lot, Aston best and not desanímese. Just goes out and skate the way you know, be sure to make a good plan of practice, and just have fun

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Tipos de Skateboarding-Maderos


Hay Diferentes tipos de maderos :
Maderos para skaters grandes que van desde la talla 7 hasta 8,5
Maderos para skaters pequeños su talla es de 7,5
las partes que conforman una tabla son :

  • Madero
  • Trucks 
  • Ruedas 
  • Rodamientos 
  • Chortis 
  • Cauchos 


Es un madero mas largo que los avituales ,tiene una forma mas amplia ,Se utilizan mas que todo para coyotear ,ya sean carreras o solo diversion.Por ser ancho ,tiene mas estabilidad al bajar una montaña y casi no hay probabilidades de caidas ,se hizo famoso mediante el surf-


Esta clase de tablas son muy parecidas a las longboard ,pero tienen mas agarre ,son mas conocidas como ballenas , Sirven para Colletear y para hacer giros de 360°. los trucks son mas largos que los de una tabla normal.


Esta es una tabla normal ,la diferencia es que tiene 14 ruedas todas puestas en un trucks especial 


La diferencia esque estas tablas son mucho mas pequeñas y tienes los trucks mas pequeños ,devido a esto sus ruedas son inflables ,son como un monopatin a gasolina y resultan ser peligrosas ya que van a gran velocidad 

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

El Skateboarding Nació a finales de 1940 o a principios de 1950 Y tuvo muchas compañías que impulsaron al skate en 1980 en ese mismo año hubieron varios personajes que revolucionaron el skate como rodney mullen que fue el creador de giros ‘’ Flips’’ alas tablas anteriormente se les denominaba como tableros y con medidas de 7-1/4 a 8 pulgada y con ruedas duras de poliuretano Desde años atrás se ha denominado día

 skate al 21 De junio de cada año y es en conmemoración al deporte que mucha gente lleva a cabo en el mundo